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Our trained professional cleaning staff will detail the personalized cleaning services required after you have answered a series of questions.  This will give us a better understanding of your cleaning needs.

The deep cleaning is great for all first time customers for initial cleanings.  Additional or recurring service will require standard maintenance clean.

The deep cleaning is specifically recommended if you have not had your home cleaned professionally by a cleaning company in the past 30 days.

Our scheduling methods are flexible.  Many of our clients request weekly or bi-weekly cleanings.  We also offer one-time specific cleaning services for a special occasions.

Home Dusting (Furniture, TV, Picture Frames etc…)
All Floors Vacuumed and Mopped
Bathrooms: Tub, toilet and sink area thoroughly cleaned and disinfected
Kitchen: Wipe down all counters, backsplash, sink area, spot cleaning the outsides of cabinets
Small Appliances In and Out. (MicroWave, Coffee Machine)

Bigger Appliances Outside Only (Fridge, Oven)

Ceiling Fans and Blinds

Baseboards and Doors
Inside Fridge
Inside Oven
Inside Cabinets
Inside Windows
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